• Deferred Life Plan
    • Step one: Do what you have to do.
    • Step two: Do what you want to do.
  • Is there a way to unsubscribe from the Deferred Life Plan and combine what you want to do with what you have to do?
  • Ask yourself: What would it take for you to do _____ for the rest of your life?
  • Drive vs. passion
    • Drive: desire to achieve goal with specific payoff
    • Passion: pulling towards something you can’t resist
  • VCs are quite indirect
    • Will never tell you no outright; why burn bridge?
    • In a meeting with multiple VCs, many come in and out; one plays good cop, one plays bad cop but is asking questions and acting on behalf of the entire audience
  • “Virtual CEO”: provide the team with guidance and leadership when necessary; all decisions/action left to the actual CEO
  • In the world of startups
    • Business plans should always be flexible as circumstances are constantly changing
    • The main idea or vision should remain constant and should be the base for making all decisions
    • A successful business centers around people
    • Leadership: where “character and vision combine to empower someone to venture into uncertainty”, i.e., allow them to achieve more than they could alone
    • Management: “methodical process to produce desired results on time and on budget”